Before Carnell Marcus Moore opened fire Friday at Houston’s busiest airport, he wrote out a chilling suicide note. “The monster within me was getting stronger and while I could not save myself I could spare others,” the 29-year-old shooter was quoted as writing, according to the Los Angeles Times. The Beaumont man’s suicide note was […]
Not in my backyard
“I keep bringing up the point of Lee Harvey Oswald, Timothy McVeigh or Ted Bundy. Somebody had to do those, too.” A funeral home director was scrambling to find a cemetery that would bury a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings, ignoring protesters gathered outside his business and saying everybody deserves a dignified burial service […]
White bashing?
In a case being backed by a leading anti-racism group, a trial began in France on Friday in which the defendant stands accused of a racially-motivated attack on a white man in a Paris metro station. The trial of a 29-year-old accused of a racially motivated attack on a white man in a Paris metro […]
Battling the big three: malaria, TB and HIV/AIDS
Malaria, TB and HIV/AIDS, three infectious diseases that account for 10 percent of all deaths worldwide. Doctors call them “the big three” – malaria, tuberculosis (TB) and HIV/AIDS – three infectious diseases that account for 10 percent of all deaths worldwide. The UN-backed Global Fund estimates it needs $87bn to bring these killer diseases […]
Residents of Makoko, a Nigerian “water” slum, fight for survival
Authorities destroyed shacks, displacing hundreds, eight months ago. Of all Africa’s slums, Makoko in Nigeria known for its colour, canoes and poverty is one of the more unusual. It’s built on water. For generations the fishing community in Makoko built its homes over water. Makoko’s shacks on stilts are home to an estimated 250,000 people. […]
CAR, President Bozize and secret prisons
When rebels stormed the capital of the Central African Republic ousting President François Bozizé last Sunday, they freed a number of prisoners from Bozizé’s jails. But though the former prisoners are now free, the past still entraps them. . Nearly a week after he was released from prison when rebels stormed the capital of the […]
How Kiswahili stopped being the language of soldiers and prostitutes in Uganda
For many decades Kiswahili was thought to be the language of the “whore” or the “warrior”. This is no more. It is now the language of the educated, the erudite and the entrepreneur. Click here to read the full story.